Central Valley

Central Valley
Central Valley

California’s Central Valley is one of the largest geographic provinces in the state. It stretches some 400 miles from north to south and is more than 60 miles wide in places. The more than 18,000 square miles that make up the Great Central Valley are home to some of the most valuable and productive farmland in the world.

Small Town Values
Despite massive development in the last few decades, many areas of the Central Valley still hold on to a rural feel and traditional values.
Unhappy Cows?
If you have ever driven I-5 between Los Angeles and San Francisco you probably smelled this scene before you saw it. The Harris Cattle Ranch is the single largest beef producer in California.
Long Way from Here to There
It is hard to comprehend the scale of the Central Valley at times. Interstate 5 winds its way almost 500 miles though an area twice the size of Massachusetts with Rhode Island and Delaware thrown in as well. Here at Tracy there are still more than 225 miles to the end of the valley past Redding. In the opposite direction you'll have to travel about 250 miles before you start the incline to climb Tejon Pass.
Oak Park
The Oak Park neighborhood has seen many changes in the past 100 or so years. In the early 20th Century it was a place of amusements and culture. By the time of the Second World War it had morphed into anchor for the city's African American community. After years of decline and several attempts at revitalization , Oak Park is now seeing a wave of gentrification sweep through its streets. Many old time residents are being priced out of rent, while businesses that once catered to the area's unique culture are being supplanted by trendy shops with no local connection.
The Downtown Commons (DoCo) in Sacramento has robotic "police" that are a cross between between R2D2 and 1984.
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